
Details for Childs Play Chair Plans


Childs Play Chair Plans

Category:Children Furniture
Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:not rated yet.
Childs Play Chair plansFree Childs Play Chair plans - This is one of my favorite plans, it is easily modified and the kids really enjoy the chair. I have made some modifications to the original plan.The cleats on the side are made from ripped 1X4. None of the cleat dimensions are critical. They are mostly there to help with assembly. I assemble the chair by attaching the cleats to each side at the proper height. I then clamp the two sides to each other with the seat and the back in place. After putting the back flush with the seat bevel, I adjust the horizontal placement so that the back just catches the upper corner of the sides. I then screw the sides to the back. I then put a screw through the back into the seat while pressing the seat against the cleats. Two more screws through the back will draw the seat tight to the back. Finally I screw through the sides into the seat. The reason I like this chair so much is that it is easy to make a special chair for a kid. My four year old brother-in-law, got measured, came to the lumber yard and selected the wood with me. He got to use one of those funny square pencils. He got to wear safety glasses. He cut the cleats to length. He sanded. He drew a picture on the chair back (a dinosaur with a coffee cup) which I routed out. He got to paint. He loves his special chair. Measuring his body did not change anything, it was purely for show. Because kids quickly get bored, I had a kid sitter to watch him while I did most of the work. One Christmas, I made chairs for my niece and nephew. My nephew, the two year old, got a basic chair with no arms that was painted. My nieces chair had arms and the seat was slightly raised. The back was much longer and had a decorative edge. Finishing that chair with a clear coat gave Katie a big girl chair.

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