
Details for Clock 1 Plans


Clock 1 Plans

Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:average rating: 1.33 (3 votes)
Clock 1 plansFree Clock 1 plans - Clock 1 was not the first clock that I had designed, that was the one done for Burgess Power Tools, many years ago. This clock was designed much later, and was done more as a challenge originally to produce a design with in-line gearing that reflected the style of much earlier Verge and Foliot designs. This had the added benefit of reducing the timber content in the front and back panels by reducing them to the narrow strips used here. To do this required all the gears to be mounted in line, and that of course meant calculating a new gear train that would do this. A computer helped there as it worked through all the possible combinations to finish up with the one used here. It then only remained to layout the full design and create the aesthetic originally visualised. This clock is still the one most requested by clock builders, presumably because of its simple lines and the aesthetic that reaches back to the very much earlier styles of wooden clock. Each of the clock designs is illustrated with a series of rendered images.

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