
Building Cabins Construction Plans Plans

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Creative Landscaping Design Plans
I have been designing and building my own landscapes for the past 18 years. The truth is, when I first started out, I spent a ton of time reading magazines and hiring different designers. Most of the time, it just left me with more questions than...

2 Bedroom Cabin
Plans for a 2-bedroom gable-roofed cabin with a flat roof alternative.

A Frame Cabin
Cabin measures 22 x 24 ft, with loft, double 2 x 6 rafters and raised wood floor.

A Frame Cabin Plan
This A Frame cabin measures 24 x 24 ft and has an outdoor deck, double 2 x 10 rafters, raised wood floor.

Free 16 X 20 Cabin Plan

Design plans for a simple 16 X 20 cabin with bunk beds.

Cabin Design
Design for a 24 x 24 ft one-bedroom, one-bath wooden building or a wood cabin with a possible 12 x 24 ft addition.

Maybe a cottage plan might not be considered woodworking, but I know that most woodworkers feel the need to build everything themselves (or with a few friends). Because of that, I will often include plans that you might consider construction...

Frame Cabin With Deck
Design plans for a 24 x 24 ft one-bedroom A frame cabin with a 12 x 16 ft deck.

Log Cabin Play House
Looks like we are on a theme this weekend. As with yesterdays free plans, todays free plan is for an outdoor play structure. Maybe a fort tower plan was not for you. Well, todays free plan calls for something a little more rustic. The following...

Pole Frame Cabin
A one bedroom cabin, measuring 24 x 24 ft, gable roof, pole frame, batten siding and raised wood floor.

Number of links: 17