
Details for Vertical Wine Rack Plans


Vertical Wine Rack Plans

Category:Kitchen Accessories
Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:not rated yet.
Vertical Wine Rack plansFree Vertical Wine Rack plans - This is a very cool woodworking project design. Its a vertical wine rack that suspends your wine bottles in the air. The free woodworking plan on this site is very detailed. It has pictures, diagrams, and build instructions to help you along the way. Here is a free plan for a remarkably simple wall-mounted wine-bottle storage rack that makes for an attractive display. The design of the wine rack holds the bottles in a cantilevered position and employs a minimal use of materials. You can group several of these holders made to the length of your choice to hold anywhere from a few bottles to an extensive collection. In addition to wine, this holder is equipped to hold other bottles such as fine sauces or balsamic vinegar.

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