
Details for Concrete garden table Plans


Concrete garden table Plans

Category:Garden Outdoor Furniture
Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:not rated yet.
Concrete garden table plansFree Concrete garden table plans - Create a polished concrete table with a solid wood base, with inlays of glass, leaves, tile or other materials. This project is simple enough for even a beginner to tackle and give you some insight into working with concrete. If you want a tabletop that’s elegant enough for any indoor setting and tough enough to withstand outdoor weather, you have found it. Tables similar to this one sell for hundreds at garden centres and outdoor furniture stores. But you can make one yourself for around R300. Give yourself half a day to build the form and pour the concrete and an hour to build the table base. A few days after casting the top, you will spend a couple of hours removing the form, chipping the edges and applying a sealer.

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