
Details for Install a rain barrel Plans


Install a rain barrel Plans

Category:Garden Miscellaneous
Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:not rated yet.
Install a rain barrel plansFree Install a rain barrel plans - I was watering my garden last weekend and, like I used to do as a kid, I took a sip of water straight from the hose. As cool and refreshing as it was—and there is something tasty about water from a rubber hose—I had a new thought: why am I wasting drinking water on my lawn and garden? Why not use the rain that’s been pouring down all summer? I’d been meaning to install a rain barrel for a while, so visited a few hardware stores to see what’s out there. Home Depot had a few collapsible barrels made of UV-resistant vinyl in sizes from 200 to 400 litres and ranging in price from $79 to $120; Rona had a 252-litre wooden barrel with antifreeze protection for winter months; and Canadian Tire had a 205-litre barrel on sale for about $90.

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