
Details for Low Rise Crib Plans


Low Rise Crib Plans

Category:Cradles and Cribs
Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:not rated yet.
Low Rise Crib plansFree Low Rise Crib plans - In honor of the expansion of the TDC team, I thought crib plans were in order! Adjustable to three different heights… side rail removes to make a toddler bed. This is, as far as I know, the very first plan of this kind EVER posted on the interwebs... so with that said, consider this a major disclaimer: this should not be your first project ever and you should be very comfortable with the concept of building before you tackle this. While I feel there is safety in building our own furniture for our most important little people, I also feel a bit trepidatious about setting you loose with this. So, go forth with caution and understand that you are liable for your own building, and treat that with care... now, on to the show!

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