
Workshop Tablesaw Accessories Plans

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The Complete Intarsia Manual
There are quite a few books by intarsians that explain their techniques. Hundreds more have been published covering different tools, woods and finishes - plus of course there are thousands of websites packed with information. The trouble is it can...

Adjustable Auxiliary Fence
Recently, when tuning up my table saw, I discovered that the face of the rip fence wasn't square to the saw table. And there was no way to adjust it to remedy the problem. Rather than admit defeat, I decided to add an auxiliary fence to the rip...

Adjustable Crosscut Sled
Adjustable crosscut sled for the tablesaw.

Circle Cutting Jig Model
A table saw isn’t a tool you think of when it comes to cutting a workpiece into a circle. But with a shop-built jig, cutting a circle up to 40 inch in diameter is quick, easy, and accurate. And it results in a surprisingly smooth, even edge....

Crosscut Sled
A model of my crosscut sled for a table saw

Cut-Off Sled Hold-Down
One of the problems using a cut-off sled is that as the workpieces get shorter, your fingers get closer and closer to the blade. To solve this problem, I simply added a hold-down to the sled, like the one you see in the photograph at right.

Flat Panel Door on Table Saw
Although flat panel doors can look intimidating to a beginner woodworker, this article demonstrates how easily they can be built with a table saw. Cut the stile/rail to the desired width. A commonly used width for making the stiles/rails is 1 3/4...

Gauge Block
Free Gauge Block for Table Saw Plan

Lumberyard to Table Top
There's a certain satisfaction in taking your lumber from a rough state to a completed project. In this episode you'll learn about buying lumber, how to square it up, and glue it into panels.

Magnetic Stop Block
When cross-cutting short pieces to the same length, I like to clamp a stop block to the rip fence of my table saw. This block provides clearance between the rip fence and the saw blade so the cut-off pieces don't get trapped (and kick back).

The miter gauge that comes with most table saws isn't long enough to cut long boards. Add a miter fence extension and stop block to increase usefulness.

Number of links: 31