
Details for Tree Bench Plans


Tree Bench Plans

Category:Benches Indoors
Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:not rated yet.
Tree Bench plansFree Tree Bench plans - A tree bench is a simple outdoor project that comes with built-in shade. In the summer, every backyard should have a cool place to lounge. I saw a potential spot around our willow tree. More like a tree deck than a tree bench, the dimensions of this design are loosely based on a bench I admired on a visit to Sedona's Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village in Arizona. It was the only tree bench I've seen without a backrest. This simplifies construction: the tree trunk itself is a natural support for your back. The flat surface is wide, with room to stretch and relax. There's even space to spread out a meal, although the similarities to the Arizona bench end there. I chose an open-legged base vs. the closed-in base of the original. And while the Arizona village benches were painted a pleasing shade of blue, I opted for clear-coated, natural cedar-a better-looking choice for my yard.

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