
Details for Tree House Plans


Tree House Plans

Category:Childrens Treehouses
Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:not rated yet.
Tree House plansFree Tree House plans - How to make a kids treehouse. This tree house is really more of a self supporting platform built around a tree rather than the traditional type of tree house consisting of a small playhouse built or placed in the trees branches. This tree house was specifically designed for younger kids. Since built, it has had plenty of use from kids three years old and upwards and it is amazing just how fast the kids seem to hone their climbing skills. The stairs make it easy for younger kids to get up to the tree house and there is a good handrail around the entire platform. If you are making a similar type of structure for older and more adventurous kids, then you could probably do away with the steps and incorporate a ladder instead. Below are the plans and lumber amounts, followed by building instructions on other pages. Keep in mind that this tree house was designed for a particular patch around a particular tree, and as patches and trees vary, you may also need to vary the plans to suit your tree and surroundings. Therefore, these plans and instructions are intended as a guide only.

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